Over 1,600++ pages of 50 Planners and Journal Templates you can use, customize, personalize, give-as-a-gift and resell.
EARN with this Bundle! You can sell the planners as it is, as printable/pdf, digital planner, or printed.
With MRR. This bundle comes with MRR (Master Reseller Rights) hence, you can sell it at your own price, per item or as a bundle, as many times you want!
Create personalized designs in Canva. All journals and planners are saved in Canva so you can edit its color and match to your interests and preferences. Change the colors, fonts, and photos to add your own branding and resell it as your own. Everything is editable even with a Canva (FREE) account.
Offer it as a FREEBIE/Lead magnet. If you're an online entrepreneur, you can also offer this as a freeie on your main products, on your website, or newsletter.
Manage your "planning" budget effortlessly and avoid overspending.
Here's the list of planners you're going to get:
Fitness Planner
Weight Loss Planner
Nutrition Planner
Medical Planner
Blood Sugar Planner
Meal Planner
Recipe Cards Bundle
Life Planner
Self Love Planner
Self Care Planner
Law of Attraction Planner
Journaling Planner
Chakra Planner
Herbs & Essential Oils Planner
Personal Growth Planner
Manifestation Planner
Relocation Planner
Household Management Planner
Home Buying Planner
Garden Planner
Decluttering & Cleaning Planner
Shopify Planner
Product Launch Planner
Order Forms Bundle
Online Shop Planner
Yoga Journal
Healthy Living Journal
Introvert Journal
Find Your Passion Journal
Money Mindset Journal
Calming Your Mind Journal
Vision Book Journal
Spirituality & Awakening Journal
Prayer Journal
Moon Journal
Crystal Journal
Abundance Journal
Book Reading Journal
Switch Off Journal
Rental Property Tracker
Mega Trackers Bundle
Debt Tracker
Credit Trackers
Savings Tracker
Mood Tracker
Habit Trackers
Calendar Builder
Handmade Business Planner
Etsy Shop Planner
Digital Product Planner
When you availed 2025 Ultimate Planner Bundle
you'll also receive this Branding Checklist for FREE!